Sunday, March 7, 2010

Human Reproduction

In the human reproduction system which is known as sexual reproduction, the male produces sperm and delivers it to female reproductive system.
The male reproductive system:
1. Testes: are the organs that make sperm and testosterone ( male sex hormone)
2. Epididymis: when sperm leave testis they are stored in a tube epididymis where it matures in that tube.
3. Vas deferens: another tube, passes from epididymis into body through prostate gland.
4. Semen:is a sperm fluid which is the result of when sperm moves from the vas deferens they mix with fluids from many glands also with the prostate gland. When the semen get out of the body it passes from the vas deferens to the urethra.
5. Urethra: tube t hat run through the penis.
6. Penis : transfers the sperm into the human body

The female reproductive system:
The female, is the one who give birth by producing eggs.
1. Ovaries: are the main organs that make these eggs. They also produce the main female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
2. Fallopian: is a tube where the egg passes through, fertilization usually happens there, when the egg is fertilized the zygote enters uterus.
3. Uterus: this is where zygote develop and result as a baby.
4. Menstrual cycle: when the women is prepared for pregnancy

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