Monday, March 8, 2010

Growth and Development

When the women entered her pregnancy stage, she passes through several stages before the baby is born the first stages is from the fertilization to embryo:
The fertilized egg that result sperms nucleus that joins with the nucleus of the egg, when this egg is fertilized it travels to the fallopian tube toward the uterus. These needs around 5 to 6 days were at this type the zygote cell is divided many times. After some days the zygote become an embryo ( a developing human through the first 8 week of development is called an embryo).
From embryo to fetus:
After implantation, which happens at the stage of fertilization to embryo this is when we have an embryo, the embryo is embedding in the nutrient rich and thick lining of uterus.
After this implantation, we have the development of the placenta (two - way exchange organ).
This placenta is beneficial to the embryo because it gives him oxygen and nutrients from the mothers blood, because it has a network of blood vessels that cause all of this to happen. Moreover, the waste the result from the embryo all also removed in the placenta which is carried by the mother’s blood so that she can remove them.
The women pass through different stages throughout her weeks of pregnancy:
Week 1 and 2:
Usually when a woman is pregnant we can count from her first day of pregnancy till the last day.
Week 3 an 4:
At this week 3 when fertilization occur the zygote moves to the uterus where as it is moving it is dividing several times , where the zygote is now considered as an embryo. At week 4 the implantation is complete and the woman is pregnant.
Week 5 to 8:
At this stage the embryo is surrounded by the amnion that protects it from injuries and bumbing. Moreover at week 5 the umbilical cord forms.
At this stage the heart the brain all organs start to form and they start growing .
Like week 8 muscles start to develop.
Week 9 to 16:
Here the embryo at week 9 can start to move and week 10 we can call the embryo a fetus ( developing embryo after fertilization). Also the fetus start to develop more and more his organs start to grow faster and faster he has more a human figure. For example at week 10 the fetus is 36 mm long.
Week 17 to 24:
At these week the fetus can now make faces can also at week 18 hear voices through the mother’s uterus .
Week 25 to 36:
at week 25 to 26 the fetus lungs are well developed, and can start get oxygen from mothers placenta . also at the 32nd week the fetus can have is eyes close and open .
when the fetus is fully developed usually week 40 the fetus is ready to be born.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Human Reproduction

In the human reproduction system which is known as sexual reproduction, the male produces sperm and delivers it to female reproductive system.
The male reproductive system:
1. Testes: are the organs that make sperm and testosterone ( male sex hormone)
2. Epididymis: when sperm leave testis they are stored in a tube epididymis where it matures in that tube.
3. Vas deferens: another tube, passes from epididymis into body through prostate gland.
4. Semen:is a sperm fluid which is the result of when sperm moves from the vas deferens they mix with fluids from many glands also with the prostate gland. When the semen get out of the body it passes from the vas deferens to the urethra.
5. Urethra: tube t hat run through the penis.
6. Penis : transfers the sperm into the human body

The female reproductive system:
The female, is the one who give birth by producing eggs.
1. Ovaries: are the main organs that make these eggs. They also produce the main female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
2. Fallopian: is a tube where the egg passes through, fertilization usually happens there, when the egg is fertilized the zygote enters uterus.
3. Uterus: this is where zygote develop and result as a baby.
4. Menstrual cycle: when the women is prepared for pregnancy

Friday, March 5, 2010

Reproduction and Development

Reproduction is a biological process where a new living thing exists to the new world. It is where a new life or organism exists. There are two main types or reproduction asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.


Asexual reproduction is where an offspring comes from a single parent and it is identical to that parent, while in a sexual reproduction is caused by different parents not a single parent a male and a female.
Development is a process by which organisms grow and develop through different stages throughout life. Whether plants, animals and human being each has different ways of growth and development, each path through different stages.
In our chapter reproduction and development where in the first section were discussing animal reproduction, while in section two were discussing human reproduction, and in section three growth and reproduction.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Weclome students

Welcome to the reproduction blog, this is for grade eight students
This blog is used to share information and annoucments for the students .